How to make a narrated Power Point presentation

A sea otter cradles her young - very cute
Relaxing with Mom by Don Henderson CC BY-NC

I know this is old news to a lot of people, but I've only recently become aware that you can record a talk track within a Power Point presentation. I could say more about when and why this is useful but, well, I'd rather explain it by talking to you.

While I'm at it, I'll talk a little about where you can get hold of some really useful images to improve your presentations, ones that you can use legally.

The only downside is that it's a big file and you will need a fairly up to date version of Microsoft Power Point to 'play' it. So, please download it, put it in presentation mode, and I'll talk to you for just under 16 minutes.

Audible Slides & Visual Punctuation (Microsoft Power Point file, 35 MB)